
138 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Really great strings in the beginning. I liked the high wood sounds too. The drums went well with everything going on. The bass was PERFECT. Man, I love random stuff like this; especially when it's not just noise. Really great work. made me want to square dance at some parts!

Awesome man.


Lexx21 responds:

Thanx. I made this in a half hour so it was really random.

Amazing dude.

I just had to drop a line and say that this is really fucking cool. I loved every damn thing about it! Really great idea. HOLY SHIT!

crud responds:

if you listen carefully you can hear me bite into a juicy apple for a transition sound. heehee. i need to do more beatboxin', tiz fun. seeya man!


Wow! I see you tried again! This is great man. I really liked the floating synths and that crunchy snare in the back. I agree, people should submit vocals as much as music, They would get used!!

Taking some time off? Havn't submitted anything in a month.

I like this track alot. You synched up the vocals pretty well. I think what could have made this a little cooler is when he says "and it SHOWS and it SHOWS and it SHOWS" you could have dropped in a few sounds when he says shows and dropped the beat a little bit. That would have been cool.

9's all around!

crud responds:

yeah man, finding time to create, work, submit and sleep (pfshhh, sleep.) can steal away the techno making fingers. The "shows" chorus was difficult to work with but the drop beat idea sounds badass. woulda, coulda shoulda.... thanks man!


perfect...All I can really say. Seriously.

LJCoffee responds:

:D ha ha... how much did you smoke before you listened to this?

Man... perfect is a pretty strong word! - Thanks a ton though - I'm really diggin' all of the encouragement that you've all given me.

Thanks again!
Talk to you later man!


I think you should keep wprking on it man. The sounds with delay feel to the whole track is really sweet! Man, I love that delay.

You ended it at a pretty good time. I think right where you left off you should add a low leveled, slowed down hihat that goes:

*next bar*
W. H H H H H

W. = 3 half notes
W = Whole note
H = Half Note
Tsss = Hihat open
CHS = Hihat closed

make sense? I donno, but that was going in my head and I think it would sound pretty cool like that.

This is really awesome man...Really fucking cool.
Let "us" know when you're don ith it. I'd love to hear it done.

I'm in the middle of a song right now too...I hear tons of stuff that could be better, which is why it's not done yet..Feel free to take a listen to what I got so far. =)

You get a 10 overall not as a whole song, but for what you have so far...DAMN IT'S COOL!!


LJCoffee responds:

Thanks man.. I've already redone the drums a bit but I can still add those hats!! :)

I appreciate the review - Hopefully I won't dissappoint you too much with the final!

Talk to you later.

fuzziest electric violin ever

As I write this, I am thinking of something constructive to say. And I have none. This was really awesome. This is the epitomy of modern day Hip-Hop music. Why? Because I've never heard anything like this before. The sounds are great and you set the right tempo for them. The volume was perfect.

I came to this song with a bias of good quality. The type of quality you hear on an album or something. The first few noted were played by the synth with a very "Underground" type of sound to it. And I immediatly deemed this song as garbage (I don't get myself sometimes). But what I realized after that is it creates the whole idea of the song; Whatever that whole idea is. It gave me a feeling of being in a pipe. The echo of me banging on it with a very arabesque object, and its reply.

JosephMcGregor responds:

Yeah... I dunno. The "fuzzy electric violin" is actually a synbrass called "OCTOBRASS" which I thought sounded totally sexy even without efx on it, so I did it up, then for the second time round softened it up with good old square wave. I don't know if you noticed the "awkward" time signature, the piece is in 7/8 time, and I actually originally wrote the main riff by plugging in notes without looking at the screen, then accidentally played it back and realized it was kind of cool, so shit happens, as you can see. Thanks for the very generous reviews, always a pleasure to hear from you

Pretty cool

It beginning reminded me of old Blink 182. I really enjoyed the pauses you added. I didn't like the vocals too much, possibly add some kind of effects or lower your voice a little.. The lyrics were great though with the drums and guitar. Something could be done with the cymbal, I'm not sure what. Possibly lower the volume a little because it tends to overpower everythign else which draws my attention to it. But yeah, listen to anything off of Blink 182's album "Buddah" and you will get a good feel of this song. Maybe it will give you some inspiration.

I did like this song, and it has some replay value. There's always room for improvement. I look forward to seeing you progress.



GardenStateMusic22 responds:

Thanks for the review. All of us in Blacktop are pretty big blink fans (not there new stuff) but anyways that was our first time recording and considering that weve only been together for about 5 months i think it turned out fairly well. its funny our drummer couldnt make it soo our singer did the drum tracks and then the vox. And about the cymbal we do plan on re-mixing the song so that the level of the cymbal isnt as high. thanks again for the review and I'm on my way to check out your music right now


Man..This is insanly good. I don't have any constructive critisism. Just wanted to drop a line saying it kicks ass, it's really mellow and catchy, I like it alot, it should be on the frontpage, I like the drum roll, and you should keep making music becasue it's cool....Found this tune in your sig.

Do you use a midi keyboard? If so, did you do all of the drums yourself or did you simply import a rex file?

NightMare5 responds:

I use a casio CTK-541 midi keyboard (hoping to upgrade to some better keys soon) and use that with reason to develope the tune.Then i build off it with the piono roll. For this piticular piece i used my own drums (redrum) anold with a rex file. Now that im getting the hang of reason im starting to rearrange the rex file in the piono roll.

Thanks for the review! =D

Meditative; calming; sleepy

You sure do have a great tune buillt up on this. I love the thumb picking action! Really calming, as you have noted was your intention. I kept wonering what this would sound like on a satar or something other. Pretty great quality. I think you could have spruced up that low E string a little more, changed it up a bit...If you did, my bad, I didn't notice..I'm embarassed, hah.
I think you did once when you changed a whole note.. and then it went back, it was (I'm guess here) about 15s before the end. It might have just sounded different to the rest due to the lack of bass or something; it added some relief of the same thing. Whatever it was, it stood out.
Anyways, That was my favorite part.

I think a new idea could have rooted from that. You could have kept following the fret with a power chord finger placement and then start that same scale from the beginning in a different note... It would also end better, I believe, in a higher note than started.
Appologies towards my lack of description. I never was good at that sort of thing.

This sounds nice none-the-less, and very calming indeed. Just a tad repetitive.

-Jonh2o \m/

Tancrisism responds:

Well, I thank you for your in-depth review. I do intend to use this in something else somehow, or spruce it up a bit, but I thank you.


Really cool sounds in this track. I like the how the beginning sounded, it reminded me of J-Lo for some reason, probably just because I had the pop genre in my mind..hah. I was digging the bass, it didn't last too long which was fine, I don;t think it would have mixed well with the next verse. Everything seemed to fit well. I think this would have sounded better if it sped up during the end after those weird sound effects. Really great use of stereo on the guitar. =) Really great laid back track.

JPhoenix84 responds:

Thanks a bundle!

I greatly appreciate lengthy reviews, esp. from respectable veterans, such as yourself.


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