
138 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Craziest thing ever dude. I'll never look at Bonzi Buddy the same.

PizzaFence responds:

and my song has bonzi buddy how???

This sounds awesome

Dude...This made me laugh so hard. It's not funny...But because it sounds SOOO DAMNNN AWESOMEEE!!!!!!!! its that 1144 1133 4444 3333 guitar beat along with the other stuff in between that that gets me! And that weird SFX that goes on every once in a while while the drums change slightly...OH MANNNN I give this a 5/5 I can't stop listening to this. The drums fit perfetly, the ending was great, I love that effect you added. It's absolutly brilliant.

Don't really know what had you put it in Heavy Metal. I think it's more dance, myself.

cOcOdOg responds:

thanx man

This would sound awesome live

WHile I was listening to this I pictured this being played live. and man, the guy playing the cow bell thing must be pretty fucking bored!! You should change that part up a bit. My favorite part of the song was when you sswitched from the drums playing with the cymbals to that really cool guitar low sounding..sound, hah. That was awsome. But man, that high pitched cow bell thing gets kinda annoying. I mean, it fits well but you have it through the ENTIRE song. I would suggest lowering the volume or something.

PERVOK responds:

dude thats pretty fucked up, the 'cowbell' is a clave, its supposed to give it a mystic feeling. i guess now...ty for the review, exprect to see more of this


I really like that double time bass you added at the end. This loops perfectly. Cool loop dude.
Do you have any plans on making a full-length song? Or do you just jig in loopage?

Proteas responds:

The weird thing is, I was trying to make a rock drum loop when I did this. If you slow it down to about half tempo, it's similar to the drum beat for "6 Underground" by the Sneaker Pimps. O_o

As far as a fully length song goes, that may occur some time in the near future.


I scraped my mind for suggestions and I was thinking that the really high (loud) bass you added after the cymbals would probably sound better every other note rather than each note on the strings. That would direct your attention more on the strings. Try also making the bass QUIETER, and adding another element to the song that compliments everything, like a solo of sorts. Something to keep the measures interesting. I noticed that when the cymbals and nass came in that I was bored with the strings loop. Hmm.. THis is pretty eerie. It's missing things though, and I don't really know what there is to say. I'm more random when I make my tunes, I add lots of different sounds. This would sound alot better to be if there was more going on, but that would change the mood of the song, and maybe what your intention for the use of this song also. =)
Download a couple songs by a guy called "Shpongle" and see if he gives you any ideas..Really insane stuff. Mushroom Music.

Maybe these suggestions will give you an idea on where to go with this song. =)
Pretty good start I'd say! Look forward to seeing it finished.


The-Objekt responds:

thx 4 the suggestions ill get right to it. and that schpong is pretty fuckin crazy!!! :D anyho thx.


I Believe this to be one of the greatest songs I've heard. It's not overdone. What I mean by that is you didn't try to go crazy on it, you kept everything at that beginning scheme. Everything came and went.. Perfectly.

Beautiful choice of sounds. Talent. I'm off to hear some more.


ShinDenjin responds:


you're hired!

I just wonder....

...What would this sound like playing in a car stereo listening from the sidewalk?

Great job dude. I like the ERRROOWWWWW sound. It relieves and adds some change from all that bumpin'. I might add that the "drum" type sound is great when it plays solo that once..that was nifty.

I've made some tunes, check em out when you have a few minutes.. =)


P.S. My dog just ate carpet.

WhatUPKid responds:

yeah i was going for kind of the kicking beat. also, if you have good bass, this song really kicks ass [against my shitty comp speakers atleast]

thanks for the review, i'll go check your stuff out

P.S. o_O

Turtle Soup

I really liked what you did with the synth. that Boppy sound when it first comes into play was pretty sweet. Everything fit great.

You know what 50 Cent said to his Grandma when she knitted him a sweater?

"Gee, you knit?"

You knitted well on this track, grasshopper.

crud responds:

turtle soup, not as appetizing as it sounds...live and learn.

the Boppy sound you speak of is fun and sophisticated at the same time, like a supermodel.

still knitting...


That cracked me up. I have a feeling that was you on the mic.

sman1 responds:

hahaahaahaahhaahhahaahah me so funny

listen to: listen=enlightenment it is funnier (true name is monks withe the IQ of 12, but i messed up)

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