Man, this is the coolest elavator music I've ever heard. Couldn't stop bobbing my head. I think the ending was a little rigid though. It began to fade (what seemed like) a little too soon, and then it went backto normal volume.....That was the only thing I didn't like about it.
Also, the way this track is set, it could go on for a really long span of time without getting old because it's really mellow. I mean, yeah the beat tembo is fast and such, but you get so accustomed to the catchy sounds that this is the kind of music you have playing in the background. That being said, that's why I said this was the coolest elavator music I've ever heard!
I would suggest making at least a couple more measures, and fixinf the way the song ends. if you changed the drums up a little bit it would be reeally cool, but don't foce it, you would have to do it right (I have no idea how that way is). It would jsut have to fit in with the feel of everything else.
I loved it. isn't it cool when your music gets used in a flash? haha.